is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from September.


This is additional information for Visual Studio Code tasks.

Schema for tasks.json

The following interfaces define the basic schema of the tasks.json file.

Note: Some task options are contributed by VS Code extensions. You can use tasks.json IntelliSense to find a complete list, using the Trigger Suggestions command (⌃Space (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Space)).

interface TaskConfiguration extends BaseTaskConfiguration {
   * The configuration's version number
  version: '2.0.0';

   * Windows specific task configuration
  windows?: BaseTaskConfiguration;

   * macOS specific task configuration
  osx?: BaseTaskConfiguration;

   * Linux specific task configuration
  linux?: BaseTaskConfiguration;

interface BaseTaskConfiguration {
   * The type of a custom task. Tasks of type "shell" are executed
   * inside a shell (e.g. bash, cmd, powershell, ...)
  type: 'shell' | 'process';

   * The command to be executed. Can be an external program or a shell
   * command.
  command: string;

   * Specifies whether a global command is a background task.
  isBackground?: boolean;

   * The command options used when the command is executed. Can be omitted.
  options?: CommandOptions;

   * The arguments passed to the command. Can be omitted.
  args?: string[];

   * The presentation options.
  presentation?: PresentationOptions;

   * The problem matcher to be used if a global command is executed (e.g. no tasks
   * are defined). A tasks.json file can either contain a global problemMatcher
   * property or a tasks property but not both.
  problemMatcher?: string | ProblemMatcher | (string | ProblemMatcher)[];

   * The configuration of the available tasks. A tasks.json file can either
   * contain a global problemMatcher property or a tasks property but not both.
  tasks?: TaskDescription[];

 * Options to be passed to the external program or shell
export interface CommandOptions {
   * The current working directory of the executed program or shell.
   * If omitted the current workspace's root is used.
  cwd?: string;

   * The environment of the executed program or shell. If omitted
   * the parent process' environment is used.
  env?: { [key: string]: string };

   * Configuration of the shell when task type is `shell`
  shell: {
     * The shell to use.
    executable: string;

     * The arguments to be passed to the shell executable to run in command mode
     * (e.g ['-c'] for bash or ['/S', '/C'] for cmd.exe).
    args?: string[];

 * The description of a task.
interface TaskDescription {
   * The task's name
  label: string;

   * The type of a custom task. Tasks of type "shell" are executed
   * inside a shell (e.g. bash, cmd, powershell, ...)
  type: 'shell' | 'process';

   * The command to execute. If the type is "shell" it should be the full
   * command line including any additional arguments passed to the command.
  command: string;

   * Whether the executed command is kept alive and runs in the background.
  isBackground?: boolean;

   * Additional arguments passed to the command. Should be used if type
   * is "process".
  args?: string[];

   * Defines the group to which this task belongs. Also supports to mark
   * a task as the default task in a group.
  group?: 'build' | 'test' | { kind: 'build' | 'test'; isDefault: boolean };

   * The presentation options.
  presentation?: PresentationOptions;

   * The problem matcher(s) to use to capture problems in the tasks
   * output.
  problemMatcher?: string | ProblemMatcher | (string | ProblemMatcher)[];

   * Defines when and how a task is run.
  runOptions?: RunOptions;

interface PresentationOptions {
   * Controls whether the task output is reveal in the user interface.
   * Defaults to `always`.
  reveal?: 'never' | 'silent' | 'always';

   * Controls whether the command associated with the task is echoed
   * in the user interface. Defaults to `true`.
  echo?: boolean;

   * Controls whether the panel showing the task output is taking focus.
   * Defaults to `false`.
  focus?: boolean;

   * Controls if the task panel is used for this task only (dedicated),
   * shared between tasks (shared) or if a new panel is created on
   * every task execution (new). Defaults to `shared`.
  panel?: 'shared' | 'dedicated' | 'new';

   * Controls whether to show the `Terminal will be reused by tasks,
   * press any key to close it` message.
  showReuseMessage?: boolean;

   * Controls whether the terminal is cleared before this task is run.
   * Defaults to `false`.
  clear?: boolean;

   * Controls whether the task is executed in a specific terminal
   * group using split panes. Tasks in the same group (specified by a string value)
   * will use split terminals to present instead of a new terminal panel.
  group?: string;

 * A description of a problem matcher that detects problems
 * in build output.
interface ProblemMatcher {
   * The name of a base problem matcher to use. If specified the
   * base problem matcher will be used as a template and properties
   * specified here will replace properties of the base problem
   * matcher
  base?: string;

   * The owner of the produced VS Code problem. This is typically
   * the identifier of a VS Code language service if the problems are
   * to be merged with the one produced by the language service
   * or 'external'. Defaults to 'external' if omitted.
  owner?: string;

   * A human-readable string describing the source of this problem.
   * E.g. 'typescript' or 'super lint'.
  source?: string;

   * The severity of the VS Code problem produced by this problem matcher.
   * Valid values are:
   *   "error": to produce errors.
   *   "warning": to produce warnings.
   *   "info": to produce infos.
   * The value is used if a pattern doesn't specify a severity match group.
   * Defaults to "error" if omitted.
  severity?: string;

   * Defines how filename reported in a problem pattern
   * should be read. Valid values are:
   *  - "absolute": the filename is always treated absolute.
   *  - "relative": the filename is always treated relative to
   *    the current working directory. This is the default.
   *  - ["relative", "path value"]: the filename is always
   *    treated relative to the given path value.
   *  - "autodetect": the filename is treated relative to
   *    the current workspace directory, and if the file
   *    does not exist, it is treated as absolute.
   *  - ["autodetect", "path value"]: the filename is treated
   *    relative to the given path value, and if it does not
   *    exist, it is treated as absolute.
   *  - "search": performs a deep (and, possibly, heavy) file system
   *    search within the directories.
   *  - ["search", {include: ["${workspaceFolder}"]}]: performs
   *    a deep search among the directories given in the "include" array.
   *  - ["search", {include: ["${workspaceFolder}"], exclude: []}]:
   *    performs a deep search among the directories given in the "include"
   *    array, excluding those named in the "exclude" array.
  fileLocation?: string | string[] | ['search', { include?: string[]; exclude?: string[] }];

   * The name of a predefined problem pattern, the inline definition
   * of a problem pattern or an array of problem patterns to match
   * problems spread over multiple lines.
  pattern?: string | ProblemPattern | ProblemPattern[];

   * Additional information used to detect when a background task (like a watching task in Gulp)
   * is active.
  background?: BackgroundMatcher;

 * A description to track the start and end of a background task.
interface BackgroundMatcher {
   * If set to true the watcher is in active mode when the task
   * starts. This is equals of issuing a line that matches the
   * beginPattern.
  activeOnStart?: boolean;

   * If matched in the output the start of a background task is signaled.
  beginsPattern?: string;

   * If matched in the output the end of a background task is signaled.
  endsPattern?: string;

interface ProblemPattern {
   * The regular expression to find a problem in the console output of an
   * executed task.
  regexp: string;

   * Whether the pattern matches a problem for the whole file or for a location
   * inside a file.
   * Defaults to "location".
  kind?: 'file' | 'location';

   * The match group index of the filename.
  file: number;

   * The match group index of the problem's location. Valid location
   * patterns are: (line), (line,column) and (startLine,startColumn,endLine,endColumn).
   * If omitted the line and column properties are used.
  location?: number;

   * The match group index of the problem's line in the source file.
   * Can only be omitted if location is specified.
  line?: number;

   * The match group index of the problem's column in the source file.
  column?: number;

   * The match group index of the problem's end line in the source file.
   * Defaults to undefined. No end line is captured.
  endLine?: number;

   * The match group index of the problem's end column in the source file.
   * Defaults to undefined. No end column is captured.
  endColumn?: number;

   * The match group index of the problem's severity.
   * Defaults to undefined. In this case the problem matcher's severity
   * is used.
  severity?: number;

   * The match group index of the problem's code.
   * Defaults to undefined. No code is captured.
  code?: number;

   * The match group index of the message. Defaults to 0.
  message: number;

   * Specifies if the last pattern in a multi line problem matcher should
   * loop as long as it does match a line consequently. Only valid on the
   * last problem pattern in a multi line problem matcher.
  loop?: boolean;

 * A description to when and how run a task.
interface RunOptions {
   * Controls how variables are evaluated when a task is executed through
   * the Rerun Last Task command.
   * The default is `true`, meaning that variables will be re-evaluated when
   * a task is rerun. When set to `false`, the resolved variable values from
   * the previous run of the task will be used.
  reevaluateOnRerun?: boolean;

   * Specifies when a task is run.
   * Valid values are:
   *   "default": The task will only be run when executed through the Run Task command.
   *   "folderOpen": The task will be run when the containing folder is opened.
  runOn?: string;