is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from September.

Document Selectors

Extensions can filter their features based on document selectors by language, file type, and location. This topic discusses document selectors, document schemes, and what extensions authors should be aware about.

Text documents not on disk

Not all text documents are stored on disk, for example, newly created documents. Unless specified, a document selector applies to all document types. Use the DocumentFilter scheme property to narrow down on certain schemes, for example { scheme: 'file', language: 'typescript' } for TypeScript files that are stored on disk.

Document selectors

The Visual Studio Code extension API combines language-specific features, like IntelliSense, with document selectors through the DocumentSelector type. They are an easy mechanism to narrow down functionality to a specific language.

The snippet below registers a HoverProvider for TypeScript files and the document selector is the typescript language identifier string.

vscode.languages.registerHoverProvider('typescript', {
  provideHover(doc: vscode.TextDocument) {
    return new vscode.Hover('For *all* TypeScript documents.');

A document selector can be more than just a language identifier and more complex selectors can use a DocumentFilter to filter based on the scheme and file location through a pattern path glob-pattern:

  { pattern: '**/test/**' },
    provideHover(doc: vscode.TextDocument) {
      return new vscode.Hover('For documents inside `test`-folders only');

The next snippet uses the scheme filter and combines it with a language identifier. The untitled scheme is for new files that have not yet been saved to disk.

  { scheme: 'untitled', language: 'typescript' },
    provideHover(doc: vscode.TextDocument) {
      return new vscode.Hover('For new, unsaved TypeScript documents only');

Document scheme

The scheme of a document is often overlooked but is an important piece of information. Most documents are saved on disk and extension authors typically assume they are working with a file on disk. For example with a simple typescript selector, the assumption is TypeScript files on disk. However, there are scenarios where that assumption is too lax and a more explicit selector like { scheme: 'file', language: 'typescript' } should be used.

The importance of this comes into play when features rely on reading/writing files from/to disk. Check out the snippet below:

// 👎 too lax
vscode.languages.registerHoverProvider('typescript', {
  provideHover(doc: vscode.TextDocument) {
    const { size } = fs.statSync(doc.uri.fsPath); // ⚠️ what about 'untitled:/Untitled1.ts' or others?
    return new vscode.Hover(`Size in bytes is ${size}`);

The hover provider above wants to display the size of a document on disk but it fails to check whether the document is actually stored on disk. For example, it could be newly created and not yet saved. The correct way would be to tell VS Code that the provider can only work with files on disk.

// 👍 only works with files on disk
  { scheme: 'file', language: 'typescript' },
    provideHover(doc: vscode.TextDocument) {
      const { size } = fs.statSync(doc.uri.fsPath);
      return new vscode.Hover(`Size in bytes is ${size}`);


Documents are usually stored on the file system, but not always: there are untitled documents, cached documents that Git uses, documents from remote sources like FTP, and so forth. If your feature relies on disk access, make sure to use a document selector with the file scheme.

Next steps

To learn more about VS Code extensibility model, try these topics: