Visual Studio Code at Build 2021
June 2, 2021 by Alessandro Segala, @ItalyPaleAle
"That's a wrap! Now catch up with content on-demand."
Build 2021, Microsoft's main event for developers, ended last week. The Visual Studio Code team, alongside all our colleagues from Developer Division, worked really hard to deliver a lot of exciting content over the span of this two-day virtual event!
Even though Build is over, all the sessions are now available to watch on-demand. You can rewatch a live session, catch up with content you may have missed, or just learn something new; all conveniently at your own pace.
Among all the sessions that were presented, here is a hand-picked selection for you, VS Code users and developers, that we hope you'll enjoy!
Find out what's new
What's new in Visual Studio Code
Join Sana Ajani and Jeffrey Mew for some of the newest features of VS Code, including new debugging and testing features, custom notebooks, better support for Python, PyTorch, and Jupyter Notebooks.
Application development with Scott Hanselman & friends
Why did this "not a keynote" keynote get so many rave reviews? Find out for yourself, and learn about what's new for developers from Microsoft, including with VS Code: custom notebooks, GitHub integration, GitHub Codespaces, and more.
What's new with TypeScript
Check out some of the latest innovations in TypeScript with Daniel Rosenwasser.
Build something cool
Container-based development with Visual Studio Code
VS Code developer Christof Marti gives a brief demo of developing in a container using Visual Studio Code.
Microservices made easy with Dapr
Dapr is a distributed application runtime to build microservice-based apps and works with any programming language. Check out Dapr and how it is used with VS Code.
Build cloud-native applications that run anywhere
Use VS Code and Azure to build, debug, and run serverless or containerized apps.
Learn new skills
This year's Build had a large "student zone", for beginners and perennial learners. Here are a few of our favorite sessions:
Core tools for a dev career: an introduction to Visual Studio Code and GitHub
Learn how VS Code and GitHub can help student and beginning programmers learn to code. Hosted by Sana Ajani, from the VS Code team, and Meaghan Lewis.
The art of artificial intelligence: creating images with Python and Azure
Learn how to use AI to generate images and photos, with Python and Jupyter Notebooks in VS Code.
Get started with popular programming languages: Intro to Python and C#
James Montemagno and Christopher Harrison offer a beginner-friendly introduction to programming in C# and Python, and of course using VS Code.
Reach out
Even though the live event is over, you can stay in touch with our team via social media (@code on Twitter or @vscode on TikTok). Feel free to contact us if you have questions or feedback.
Happy watching… and coding!
Alessandro Segala, VS Code Product Manager @ItalyPaleAle