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January 2025 (version 1.97)

Update 1.97.1: The update addresses these security issues.

Update 1.97.2: The update addresses these issues.

Downloads: Windows: x64 Arm64 | Mac: Universal Intel silicon | Linux: deb rpm tarball Arm snap

Welcome to the January 2025 release of Visual Studio Code. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include:

If you'd like to read these release notes online, go to Updates on code.visualstudio.com. Insiders: Want to try new features as soon as possible? You can download the nightly Insiders build and try the latest updates as soon as they are available.

GitHub Copilot

Copilot Next Edit Suggestions (Preview)

Setting: github.copilot.nextEditSuggestions.enabled

GitHub Copilot code completions are great at autocomplete, but since most coding activity is editing existing code, it's a natural evolution of completions to also help with edits. So, we're excited to release a new preview feature, Copilot Next Edit Suggestions (Copilot NES).

Based on the edits you're making, Copilot NES both predicts the location of the next edit you'll want to make and what that edit should be. NES suggests future changes relevant to your current work, and you can simply Tab to quickly navigate and accept suggestions.

Notice in the following example that changing a variable triggers an edit suggestion further down the file. Just use the Tab key to navigate and accept the suggestion. The gutter indicator will guide you to your next edit suggestion.

Video showing Copilot NES suggesting code edits at another location. The gutter shows an arrow indicating the relative position of the edit.

Enable Copilot NES via the VS Code setting github.copilot.nextEditSuggestions.enabled.

Based on the size and type of edit, the rendering of the suggestion might change dynamically from side-by-side to below the current line. Configure the editor.inlineSuggest.edits.renderSideBySide setting to always render suggestions below the current line.

Copilot NES is rapidly evolving, and we can't wait to get your feedback via issues in our repo. You can read our full Copilot NES docs for more information and scenarios as we expand the NES experience.

Note: If you are a Copilot Business or Enterprise user, an administrator of your organization must opt in to the use of Copilot "Editor Preview Features," in addition to you setting github.copilot.nextEditSuggestions.enabled in your editor.

Copilot Edits

Copilot Edits general availability

In our VS Code October release, we announced the preview of Copilot Edits. Today, we're now announcing the general availability of Copilot Edits! Copilot Edits is optimized for code editing and enables you to make code changes across multiple files in your workspace, directly from chat.

Improved editor controls

Edits can now be accepted and discarded individually, giving you more control. Also new is that the editor controls for edits remain visible when switching to the side-by-side view. This is useful for understanding larger changes.

Screenshot that shows how to accept an individual change from Copilot Edits in the editor. Theme: GitHub Light Colorblind (Beta) (preview on vscode.dev)

Lastly, we have added a new setting for automatically accepting edit suggestions after a configurable timeout. The setting for that is chat.editing.autoAcceptDelay, which specifies the number of seconds after which changes are accepted. The countdown stops when you interact with the accept button or when you start to review changes. This should be familiar to anyone who binge-watches on the weekends.

Theme: GitHub Light Colorblind (Beta) (preview on vscode.dev)

Apply in editor

In Copilot Chat, any code block can be applied to a file in the workspace by using the Apply to Editor action in the toolbar of the code block. We made several improvements to this experience:

  • The hover of the action now shows the file the code block was generated for.

    Screenshot that shows the Apply Code Block hover text, indicating the target file name.

  • If the code block is for a non-existent file, you are prompted where to create the file. This can be at a file path suggested by Copilot, in an untitled editor, or in the currently active editor.

  • When the changes are computed and applied, the same flow and UI as for Copilot Edits are used. You can review, improve, or discard each change individually.

Temporal context

Temporal context helps when editing or generating code by informing the language model about files that you have recently interacted with. We are experimenting and measuring its effectiveness but it can also be enabled manually, github.copilot.chat.editor.temporalContext.enabled for Inline Chat and github.copilot.chat.edits.temporalContext.enabled for Copilot Edits.

Workspace index status UI

When you ask Copilot a question about the code in your project by using @workspace or #codebase, we use an index to quickly and accurately search your codebase for relevant code snippets to include as context. This index can either be a remote index managed by GitHub, a locally stored index, or a basic index used as a fallback for large projects that can't use a remote index.

This iteration, we've added the new workspace index to the language status indicator in the Status Bar that shows the type of index being used by Copilot and related information, such as the number of files being reindexed. To see this, just select the {} icon in the VS Code Status Bar.

Screenshot that shows the status of the Copilot workspace indexing in the Status Bar.

Check out the Copilot workspace docs for more info about the types of workspace indexes and how you can switch between them.

Build a remote workspace index

Remote workspace indexes are managed by GitHub. A remote index can provide high-quality results quickly, even for large projects. They also only have to be built once per GitHub project, instead of once per user.

Given all these advantages, we have added several new ways to upgrade a project to a remote index:

  • Run the new GitHub Copilot: Build Remote Index command.

  • Select the Build Index button in the workspace index status UI. This only shows up if your project is eligible for remote indexing.

  • Select the Build Index button in the first @workspace response you see. This only shows up if your project is eligible and also only shows once per workspace.

Keep in mind that only projects with a GitHub remote can currently use a remote index. It may also take some time to build up the remote index, especially if your project is large. Check the Workspace index status UI to see if remote indexing has completed.

Workspace search improvements

We've also continued optimizing code search for @workspace and #codebase. Highlights include:

  • Improved tracking and handling of locally changed files when using a remote index.

  • Added background updating of changed files in the local index, so that @workspace questions don't have to wait for them to be updated.

  • Optimized the basic index for large projects.

Git changes context variable

When writing queries for Chat or Edits, you can now reference files that were modified in Git source control by using the #changes context variable. For example, you could prompt for summarize the #changes in my workspace.

Screenshot of a Copilot chat response, which lists the modified files and changes when prompting for '#changes'.

Model availability

You now have even more models to choose from when using Copilot. The following models are now available in the model picker in Visual Studio Code and github.com chat:

  • OpenAI’s o3-mini: OpenAI’s newest reasoning model to your coding workflow, is rolling out gradually and will be available to GitHub Copilot Pro, Business, and Enterprise users. Learn more about the o3-mini model availability in the GitHub blog post.

  • Gemini 2.0 Flash: Google’s latest model shows high capabilities for code suggestions, documentation, and explaining code. This model is now available to all GitHub Copilot customers, including Copilot Free. Learn more about the Gemini 2.0 Flash model availability in the GitHub blog post.


Enhanced accessibility sounds

We've refined several accessibility sounds based on user feedback to improve clarity and distinction. The following sounds have been updated:

  • accessibility.signals.save
  • accessibility.signals.lineHasFoldedArea
  • accessibility.signals.terminalQuickFix
  • accessibility.signals.lineHasInlineSuggestion

You can preview these updates by running the command Help: List Signal Sounds from the Command Palette.

Copilot Edits Accessibility Help dialog

Screen reader users can now access guidance on interacting with Copilot Edits by invoking: ⌥F1 (Windows Alt+F1, Linux Shift+Alt+F1) within the input box.

Additionally, when an editor contains pending Copilot edits, this status is now indicated in the editor help dialog. We've also introduced keyboard shortcuts for navigating next ⌥F5 (Windows, Linux Alt+F5) / previous ⇧⌥F5 (Windows, Linux Shift+Alt+F5), accepting ⇧⌘Enter (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+Enter), discarding ⇧⌘Backspace (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+Backspace), and toggling the diff view .

Source Control Accessibility Help dialog

If you invoke the Show Accessibility Help command while the Source Control view is focused, it opens the Source Control Accessibility Help dialog to provide important information for screen reader users. The dialog contains the summary of the current source control state and general information about the views and how to navigate them.

Improved screen reader notifications

When a screen reader is detected, related notifications now include a link to learn more, providing additional context and resources.

Ignore code blocks in text to speech

Previously, when you used text-to-speech to read out a Copilot response, code blocks were also read out loud. You can ignore code blocks from text-to-speech sessions by using the accessibility.voice.ignoreCodeBlocks setting.


Move the Command Palette and Quick Inputs

You can now move the Command Palette and other Quick Inputs to a new position, instead of having it fixed at the top of the window.


  • Drag and drop the Command Palette or any other Quick Input with snapping to center and top
  • Persisted position across reloads, allowing you to set a new permanent position for Quick Inputs
  • Preset positions are available in the Customize Layout picker

Trusting extension publishers

When you install an extension from a publisher for the first time you will now see a dialog to help you assess the trustworthiness of the extension publisher. This feature helps ensure that you only install extensions from trusted sources, enhancing the security of your development environment.

Screenshot that shows the Trust Publisher dialog that is shown when a user installs an extension.

If you install an extension pack or an extension with dependencies, trusting the publisher will also implicitly trust the publishers of the extensions that get installed along with it.

When you update to the VS Code 1.97 release, the publishers of currently installed extensions are automatically trusted. You can manage the trusted extension publishers with the Extensions: Manage Trusted Extensions Publishers command. This command allows you to reset or revoke trust for publishers you have previously trusted.

Screenshot that shows the Quick Pick list of trusted publishers, enabling unchecking publishers to make them untrusted.

Note: When no VS Code window is open and you install an extension from the CLI (code-insiders --install-extension pub.name), the extension is installed, but the publisher is not added to the trusted list.

For more information, you can visit the learn more link.

Output panel filtering

You can now filter the contents of the Output panel, which can greatly improve managing and analyzing logs, especially when you have to deal with large volumes of log data.

Screenshot of the Output panel, highlighting the filtering dropdown.

  • Filter by Log Level: Filter logs based on their severity level (for example, Error, Warning, Info). This helps you focus on the most critical issues first.
  • Filter by Category: Narrow down logs by specific categories, allowing you to isolate logs from particular sources or components. The categories are picked up automatically from the log data.
  • Filter by Text: Search for specific text within the logs to quickly locate relevant entries.

Compound logs

Sometimes you find that information is spread across multiple logs, and you need to view them together to get a complete picture. You can now view multiple logs in a single compound log view. Combine this with the new filtering functionality and analyzing logs has just become much better!

To create a custom compound log, use the Create Compound Log... action in the overflow menu of the Output panel.

You can also open compound logs in an editor or a new VS Code window for flexible monitoring and analysis. This feature improves your ability to diagnose issues by providing a consolidated view of related logs.

Note: Compound log views are currently not persisted across VS Code restarts.

Export and import logs

You can now export and import logs using the actions in the overflow menu of the Output view. This feature enhances collaboration and log management by making it easy to share and review logs.

Select the corresponding Export Logs or Import Log action in the overflow menu of the Output panel to export or import logs.

Settings editor search fixes

This iteration, we fixed a regression where search queries with missing letters were not showing expected results. For example, the Settings editor was not finding the editor.formatOnPaste setting when you searched for "editor formonpast".

We also fixed an issue where the Settings editor would reveal the table of contents during a search even when it was in a narrow editor group.

Screenshot of a narrow-width Settings editor, with a search for 'edtor cursstyle' that shows the 'editor.cursorStyle' setting and does not reveal the settings table of contents.

Theme: Light Pink (preview on vscode.dev)

Extension filter enhancements

To help you keep track of extensions that have updates available and to find extensions that were recently updated, you now have two new filter options in the Extensions view: @outdated and @recentlyUpdated.

Screenshot of the filtering options in the Extension view, highlighting the 'outdated' and 'recentlyUpdated' options.

SVG image preview support

The built-in image preview now has basic support for previewing SVG files.

Screenshot that shows the default preview of an SVG image in VS Code.

Check out the Visual Studio Marketplace for more advanced SVG preview extensions.

Remove a root folder from a workspace from the CLI

Previously, you could already add a root folder to a multi-root workspace by using the --add command-line option.

We've now also added the ability to remove a root folder from a multi-root workspace with the new --remove command-line option.

code --remove /path/to/rootfolder


Persist find and replace history

Last milestone, we introduced history persistence to the editor find control. In this milestone, we are extending that further to the replace input control, so that you can maintain both separately across multiple sessions. The replace history is stored per workspace and can be disabled via the editor.find.replaceHistory setting.


Confirmation when closing an un-submitted comment

A confirmation dialog will show when you esc or otherwise close a comment control that has un-submitted comments. You can disable this confirmation with the setting comments.thread.confirmOnCollapse.

Quick actions in the comment editor

Quick actions can be used from the comments editor.

Screenshot that shows Quick actions in the Comments editor.

Source Control

Git blame information

This milestone, we continued to polish the feature to display git blame information in the editor and in the Status Bar. We have also improved the information that is shown when you hover over the editor decoration or the Status Bar item.

Screenshot that shows Git blame information when hovering over the git blame item in the Status Bar.

The git blame Status Bar item is now enabled by default, and you can disable it by using the git.blame.statusBarItem.enabled setting. Enable the git blame editor decoration with the git.blame.editorDecoration.enabled setting.

We have also added commands to easily toggle the git blame information by using the Command Palette or by using keybindings: Git: Toggle Git Blame Editor Decoration and Git: Toggle Git Blame Status Bar Item.

GitHub repositories

For repositories that are hosted on GitHub, we have added a new command, Open on GitHub, to the timeline context menu and hover, the Source Control Graph context menu and hover, and the git blame editor decoration and Status Bar item hover.

Screenshot of the Source Control history item hover, highlighting the Open on GitHub link.

GitHub issue and pull request references are rendered as links in the timeline, Source Control Graph, and git blame editor decoration and Status Bar item hovers, so that they can be easily opened in a browser.

Last but not least, we also added the GitHub avatar in the timeline, Source Control Graph, and git blame editor decoration and Status Bar item hovers. Disable the rendering of the GitHub avatar by using the github.showAvatar setting.

Source Control Graph actions

We have expanded the functionality of the Source Control Graph view by adding actions scoped to a history item reference (for example, branch tag) to the context menu. The first actions that we added are Checkout, Delete Branch, and Delete Tag that allow you to easily check out a branch/tag, delete a branch, and delete a tag directly from the Source Control Graph view.

We are planning to add more actions in the upcoming milestones.


Inline values upon cell execution

The notebook editor now supports showing inline values after cell execution with the setting notebook.inlineValues. When enabled, after a successful cell execution, inline values are displayed according to the results of a registered InlineValueProvider.

If there's no provider, the fallback approach matches values found in the kernel against the cell document via simple regex matching. It's recommended to use a provider from a language extension to ensure more accurate results.

Screenshot that shows inline values after cell execution in the notebook editor.

Custom font family for Markdown cells

The notebook editor now supports setting a custom font family for rendered Markdown cells. This can be controlled with the notebook.markup.fontFamily setting. When left blank, the default workbench font family is used.

Screenshot that shows a custom font for rendered Markdown cells.


Ligature support

This feature is now considered stable. Here is a summary of the changes since the last version:

  • The enablement setting changed from terminal.integrated.fontLigatures to terminal.integrated.fontLigatures.enabled.
  • Ligatures are now temporarily disabled while the cursor or the selection is within the ligature.
  • Use terminal.integrated.fontLigatures.featureSettings to set ligature sets and variants. This is passed on to the font-feature-settings CSS property behind the scenes.
  • Use terminal.integrated.fontLigatures.fallbackLigatures to set ligature sequences manually when the library that we use to parse ligatures is not supported.

Support for ConEmu's progress escape sequences

The ESC ] 9 ; 4 escape sequence pioneered by ConEmu that reports progress in the terminal is now supported. This is used by some CLI tools such as winget to report progress. To view the progress in terminal tabs, add ${progress} to either terminal.integrated.tabs.title or terminal.integrated.tabs.description. This typically shows as a progress spinner or as a percentage.

Sticky Scroll for truncated commands

Sticky Scroll in the terminal (terminal.integrated.stickyScroll.enabled) now shows when a command is truncated with an ellipsis at the end:

Screenshot that shows an ellipsis at the end of a command in Sticky Scroll when it is truncated.

Configure the behavior when the last terminal closes

The new terminal.integrated.hideOnLastClosed setting allows configuring whether the panel will be closed when the last terminal has been closed. Along with this, the experience when there is no terminal open has been improved.


Column number variable

The new ${columnNumber} variable can be used in tasks.json and launch.json to refer to the column number of the cursor position. See the full list of variables in the VS Code documentation.


Filter and search on values

You can now search within a view (⌥⌘F (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Alt+F)) in the Variables and Watch views to filter on variable and expression values, rather than just names.

Screenshot that shows the search control in the Variables view when debugging.

Select in the Debug Console

The Debug Console now supports longer and more reliable content selection, allowing easier copy and paste.

JavaScript debugger

Scripts can now be pretty printed by using the Debug: Pretty print for debugging command from the command palette or editor actions, even when they are not the source the debugger is currently paused in.


TypeScript 5.7.3

This release includes the TypeScript 5.7.3 recovery release. This minor update fixes a few import bugs and regressions.

Right click to open images from the Markdown preview

You can now right click on a workspace image in the Markdown preview and select Open Image to open it in a new editor.

Screenshot that shows the context menu option to open an image in the Markdown preview.

This is supported for any images that are part of the current workspace.

VS Code's built-in Markdown features support automatically validating local links to files and images. This is a great way to catch common mistakes, such as linking to a header that was renamed or to a file that no longer exists on disk.

To help you discover this feature, we've added a new language status item for link validation:

Screenshot that shows the Markdown link validation language status item.

With a Markdown file open, select the {} in the Status Bar to view the link validation status. You can also use the status item to quickly toggle link validation off and on.

New Ruby syntax highlighting grammar

We've moved away from the old, unmaintained, Ruby grammar from textmate/ruby.tmbundle and now get our Ruby grammar from Shopify/ruby-lsp.

Remote Development

The Remote Development extensions allow you to use a Dev Container, remote machine via SSH or Remote Tunnels, or the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) as a full-featured development environment.

Highlights include:

  • Migration path for connecting to Linux legacy servers
  • SSH Chat participant improvements
  • SSH configuration improvements
  • Default remote extensions for SSH

You can learn more about these features in the Remote Development release notes.

Contributions to extensions

Microsoft Account

Microsoft Account now uses MSAL (with WAM support on Windows)

NOTE: Last month's rollout of an MSAL-based authentication for Microsoft needed to be rolled back due to a critical bug. This bug has been squashed and we are proceeding with the rollout.

In order to ensure a strong security baseline for Microsoft authentication, we've adopted the Microsoft Authentication Library in the Microsoft Account extension.

One of the stand out features of this work is WAM (Web Account Manager... also known as Broker) integration. Put simply, rather than going to the browser for Microsoft authentication flows, we now talk to the OS directly, which is the recommended way of acquiring a Microsoft authentication session. Additionally, it's faster since we're able to leverage the accounts that you're already logged into on the OS.

Screenshot that shows an authentication popup that the OS shows over VS Code.

Let us know if you see any issues with this new flow. If you do see a major issue and need to revert back to the old Microsoft authentication behavior, you can do so with microsoft-authentication.implementation (setting it to classic, and restarting VS Code) but do keep in mind that this setting won't be around for much longer. So, open an issue if you are having trouble with the MSAL flow.


Launch native REPL from the terminal

You are now able to launch a VS Code Native REPL from your REPL in the terminal. Setting python.terminal.shellIntegration.enabled to true should display a clickable link in the Python REPL in the terminal, allowing you to directly open the VS Code Native REPL from the terminal.

No config debug

You are now able to debug a Python script or module without setup, right from the terminal as part of the new no-config debug feature! Check out the wiki page on the feature for all the details and troubleshooting tips.

Test discovery cancellation

When triggering test discovery from the Test Explorer UI, you can now cancel an ongoing test discovery call. Use the Cancel button, which appears in replacement of the Refresh button during discovery.

Screenshot that shows the Test Explorer, highlighting the Cancel button to cancel the test discovery.

Go to Implementation

Pylance now has support for Go to Implementation, which allows you to more quickly navigate to the implementation of a function or method directly from its usage. This is a particularly helpful feature when working with inherited classes.

Screenshot that shows the Go to Implementation displayed via the context menu

AI Code Action: Generate Symbol (Experimental)

There's a new experimental AI Code Action for generating symbols with Pylance and Copilot. To try it out, you can enable the following setting:

"python.analysis.aiCodeActions": {"generateSymbol": true}

Then once you define a new symbol, for example, a class or a function, you can select the Generate Symbol with Copilot Code Action and let Copilot handle the implementation! If you want, you can then leverage Pylance's Move Symbol Code Actions to move it to a different file.

GitHub Pull Requests and Issues

There has been more progress on the GitHub Pull Requests extension, which enables you to work on, create, and manage pull requests and issues. New features include:

  • Global pull request queries, with a variable to specify a time range relative to today (${today-7d}).
  • :<emoji-name>: style emojis are now supported in comments.
  • All non-outdated comments will show in the Comments panel when you open the description of an un-checked out pull request.

Review the changelog for the 0.104.0 release of the extension to learn about the other highlights.

Preview Features

Agent mode (Experimental)

We've been working on a new agent mode for Copilot Edits. When in agent mode, Copilot can automatically search your workspace for relevant context, edit files, check them for errors, and run terminal commands (with your permission) to complete a task end-to-end.

Screenshot that shows agent mode in the Copilot Edits view.

You can switch between the current edit mode that we've had for a few months and agent mode with the dropdown in the Copilot Edits view. To see the dropdown, enable the chat.agent.enabled setting. You can start using agent mode in VS Code Insiders today. We will gradually be rolling it out to VS Code Stable users. If the setting doesn't show up for you in Stable, then it isn't enabled for you yet.

Screenshot of the agent mode setting in the Settings editor.

In agent mode, Copilot runs autonomously, but it can only edit files within your current workspace. When it wants to run a terminal command, it shows you the command and waits for you to review it and select Continue before proceeding.

Note: Copilot Edits may use many chat requests in agent mode, so it will periodically pause and ask you whether to continue. You can customize this with chat.agent.maxRequests. This defaults to 15 for Copilot paid users, and 5 for Copilot Free users.

Learn more about agent mode in Copilot Edits in the VS Code documentation.

Agentic codebase search (Preview)

You can add #codebase to your query and Copilot Edits will discover relevant files for your task. We've added experimental support for discovering relevant files using additional tools like file and text search, Git repository state, and directory reads. Previously, #codebase only performed semantic search.

You can enable it with github.copilot.chat.edits.codesearch.enabled, and please share any feedback with us.

Copilot Vision in VS Code Insiders (Preview)

We're introducing end-to-end vision support in the pre-release version of GitHub Copilot Chat in VS Code Insiders. This lets you attach images and interact with images in Copilot Chat prompts. For example, if you're encountering an error while debugging, quickly attach a screenshot of VS Code and ask Copilot to help you resolve the issue.

Screenshot that shows an attached image in a Copilot Chat prompt. Hovering over the image shows a preview of it.

You can now attach images using several methods:

  • Drag and drop images from your OS or from the Explorer view
  • Paste an image from the clipboard
  • Attach a screenshot of the VS Code window (select Attach > Screenshot Window)

A warning is shown if the selected model currently does not have the capability to handle images. The only supported model at the moment will be GPT 4o. Currently, the supported image types are JPEG/JPG, PNG, GIF, and WEBP.

Reusable prompts (Experimental)

This feature lets you build, store, and share reusable prompts. A prompt file is a .prompt.md Markdown file that follows the same format used for writing prompts in Copilot Chat, and it can link to other files or even other prompts. You can attach prompt files for task-specific guidance, aid with code generation, or keep complete prompts for later use.

To enable prompt files, set chat.promptFiles to true, or use the { "/path/to/folder": boolean } notation to specify a different path. The .github/prompts folder is used by default to locate prompt files (*.prompt.md), if no other path is specified.

Learn more about prompt files in the VS Code documentation.

Custom title bar on Linux (Experimental)

This milestone, we are starting an experiment to enable the custom title bar for a subset of Linux users.

Screenshot that shows the custom VS Code title bar on Linux.

If you are not part of the experiment, you can manually configure window.titleBarStyle as custom to try it out.

You can always revert back to the native title decorations, either from the custom title context menu or by configuring window.titleBarStyle to native.

Screenshot that shows the content menu option to disable the custom title bar on Linux.

TypeScript 5.8 beta support

This release includes support for the TypeScript 5.8 beta release. Check out the TypeScript 5.8 blog post for details on what's in store for this release.

To start using preview builds of TypeScript 5.8, install the TypeScript Nightly extension. Share your feedback and let us know if you run into any bugs with TypeScript 5.8.

Terminal completions for more shells

We have iterated on the general terminal completions that were introduced in the last version that are built on our new proposed API. Once enabled with terminal.integrated.suggest.enabled, the new completions now replace the previous built-in provider for PowerShell but can now be customized with terminal.integrated.suggest.providers.

Here are the key updates this release:

  • Enhanced widget styling and configuration to align with the editor's suggest widget.
  • A configurable status bar (terminal.integrated.suggest.showStatusBar) provides contextual actions and information.
  • Improved argument awareness for commands, including: code, code-insiders, cd, ls, rm, echo, mkdir, rmdir, touch.
  • Displays command or resource paths as additional details.
  • Added support for directory navigation shortcuts like ., .., and ../../.
  • Enabled screen reader usage.
  • Entries pulled from the $PATH will now only show when they are executable files. Since Windows does not have the concept of an executable bit in file metadata, the list of extensions can be configured with terminal.integrated.suggest.windowsExecutableExtensions. These now also use the actual shell environment when available using an upcoming proposed API.
  • Enhanced keyboard support to toggle details, ⌃Space (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Space) and toggle suggest details focus ⌃⌥Space (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Alt+Space).
  • Suggestions will now always be on every type, aligning closer to how quick suggestions work in the editor.
  • PowerShell-specific global completions such as Get-ChildItem, Write-Host, etc. will now be suggested.

Tree-Sitter based syntax highlighting for typescript

Since many of our Textmate grammars are no longer maintained, we've been investigating using Tree-Sitter for syntax highlighting. We've started with TypeScript so the team can selfhost it and provide feedback. You can try out an early preview it out with the editor.experimental.preferTreeSitter setting.

Extension Authoring

Document paste API

The document paste API allows extensions to hook into copy/paste operations in text documents. Using this API, your extension can:

  • On copy, write data to the clipboard. This includes writing metadata that the can be picked up on paste.

  • On paste, generate a custom edit that applies the paste. This can change the text content being pasted or make more complex workspace edits, such as creating new files.

  • Provide multiple ways that content can be pasted. Users can select how content should be pasted using the paste control or with the editor.pasteAs.preferences setting.

VS Code uses the document paste API to implement features such as updating imports on paste for JavaScript and TypeScript and automatically creating Markdown links when pasting URLs.

To get started with the document paste API, check out the document paste extension sample. For a more complex example, check out how the built-in Markdown extension implements pasting of image files to insert images into Markdown documents.

File openLabel shows in the simple file picker

The openLabel property in the OpenDialogOptions is now supported in the simple file picker (in addition to the system file picker, where it was previously exclusively supported). This allows you to provide a custom label for the button in the file picker.

File-level comments API

The comments API supports making and showing file-level comments. File-level comments show at the top of the file, before the first line. They are not attached to a specific line or range in the file. To show a file-level comment, set the range of the comment to undefined. To support leaving file-level comments from your commenting range provider, set the enableFileComments property on your CommentingRangeProvider to true.

Proposed APIs

Terminal completion provider

You can now register a terminal completion provider and let us know what you think in this GitHub issue.

An example of this can be found in our terminal suggest extension, which provides completions when enabled via terminal.integrated.suggest.enabled.

Terminal shell type

Extensions will be able to access currently active shell type information. The shellType field will be part of TerminalState.

Use this shell type information to perform shell-specific operations that you need.



As part of our annual housekeeping efforts in December, we focused on cleaning up our GitHub issues and pull requests across all repositories. This year, we achieved a net reduction of 3,821 issues and pull requests, ensuring that our backlog remains relevant and manageable.

By following our issue cleanup guide, we reviewed and triaged outdated, duplicated, and no longer relevant issues. This helps us maintain an efficient development workflow and focus on improving Visual Studio Code for our users.

We appreciate the community’s continued engagement and feedback — your contributions make VS Code better every day! 🚀

Chart that shows the trend of the number of open issues over the last years. The chart shows a steep decline each year during December, the housekeeping month.

Resource optimization for file watching in TypeScript workspaces

A couple of optimizations have been made to reduce the overhead that file watching has in large TypeScript workspaces (thousands of TypeScript files or projects). Specifically, when opening such a workspace and initializing the watcher, you should no longer see CPU spikes or CPU usage should settle quickly.

See this VS Code issue for more details.

Notable fixes

  • 160325 Suppress terminal launch failure after ctrl+D is pressed
  • 230438 Support for code page 1125 aka cp866u
  • 238577 Increase default window size
  • 197377 workspaceFolder variable substitution in launch.json or tasks.json should use URI for virtual filesystems
  • 229857 a11y view is blank after running focus comment on line

Thank you

Last but certainly not least, a big Thank You to the contributors of VS Code.

Issue tracking

Contributions to our issue tracking:

Pull requests

Contributions to vscode:

Contributions to vscode-eslint:

Contributions to vscode-extension-samples:

Contributions to vscode-js-debug:

Contributions to vscode-jupyter:

Contributions to vscode-loc:

Contributions to vscode-prompt-tsx:

Contributions to vscode-pull-request-github:

Contributions to vscode-pylint:

Contributions to vscode-python-debugger:

Contributions to vscode-ripgrep:

Contributions to vscode-test:

Contributions to language-server-protocol: