is now available! Read about the new features and fixes from September.

November 2018 (version 1.30)

Update 1.30.2: The update addresses these issues.

Update 1.30.1: The update addresses these issues.

Downloads: Windows: x64 | Mac: Intel | Linux 64-bit: deb rpm tarball | 32-bit: deb rpm tarball

Welcome to the November 2018 release of Visual Studio Code. There are a number of significant updates in this version that we hope you will like, some of the key highlights include:

If you'd like to read these release notes online, go to Updates on

The release notes are arranged in the following sections related to VS Code focus areas. Here are some further updates:

  • Workbench - Menu scrolling and improved overflow handling, one click to open settings.json.
  • Languages - JS/TS renames now handle destructuring, add missing 'new' Quick Fix.
  • Debugging - Delete debug consoles, debug directly from the VS Code Process Explorer.
  • Tasks - Clear task terminal, user input for task variables, rerun last task command.
  • Extension Authoring - Go to Declaration support, new Signature Help context.

Insiders: Want to see new features as soon as possible? You can download the nightly Insiders build and try the latest updates as soon as they are available. And for the latest Visual Studio Code news, updates, and content, follow us on Twitter @code!


Multiline search input

Last month, we added support for multiline search. This month we improved the search UX to make it easier to use. Now, you can search with multiline text without having to write a regular expression. Type Shift+Enter in the search box to insert a newline, and the search box will grow to show your full multiline query. You can also copy and paste a multiline selection from the editor into the search box.

multiline search input

Custom title and menu bar on Linux by default

Over several releases, we have been improving the accessibility and themability of menus on Windows via the custom title and menu bar. While it was optionally available on Linux, in this release it will now be enabled by default.

Custom title and menu bar on Linux

To use the native title bar, you can set the window.titleBarStyle to native.

Scrolling menus

With the custom menu bar enabled, menus are restricted to being rendered within the VS Code window. Previously, menus could be cut off by the boundaries of the window. This has now been address by making context menus scrollable when needed.

Scrolling menus

Menu bar overflow menu

The menu bar also has a new overflow menu (...) when your window width is not enough for both the menu bar and your window title.

Menu bar overflow

Moved Settings editor actions

The Settings editor actions (Open settings.json, Show modified settings, etc.) have been moved from the ... menu inside the Settings editor to the editor title bar. This makes them consistent with other editor types, and Open settings.json is now just one click away with the curly braces {} button. The Keyboard Shortcuts editor has made the same change.

settings editor actions

References view

The References view has been polished and is no longer a preview feature. There are now two commands:

  • Find All References which opens the References view.
  • Peek References which opens references in a Peek view.

The References view is hidden at startup but will remain visible once it has been used. If all search results are cleared, it shows a history of previous searches.

References View

There is now a results summary at the top of the view and a context menu to clear and copy results. Many bugs were fixed and the overall stability has been improved.


Snippet comment variables

There are new snippet variables that insert line or block comments, honoring the current language. Use BLOCK_COMMENT_START and BLOCK_COMMENT_END for block comments and LINE_COMMENT otherwise.

The snippet below inserts /* Hello World */ in JavaScript files and <!-- Hello World --> in HTML files

  "hello": {
    "scope": "javascript,html",
    "prefix": "hello",

Declaration versus definition

Until now, VS Code offered commands for displaying the definition of a symbol, for example Go to Definition and Peek Definition. This didn't take into account the fact that some languages differentiate, stricter than others, between the declaration and the definition of a symbol. We have fixed that and there are now commands Go to Declaration and Peek Declaration for the declaration of a symbol.

Go to Declaration

The data required for language features like Go to Declaration is computed by extensions and there is a new API, which you can read about in the Extension Authoring section.

Smooth cursor animation

There is a new setting, editor.cursorSmoothCaretAnimation, which will enable a transition animation whenever the cursor is moved.

Git integration

Change default click action

You can now change the default action when you click on a file in the Source Control view. By default, VS Code will open the Diff view but by setting git.openDiffOnClick to false, the file will open in a regular editor.

Push or sync on commit

A new setting git.postCommitCommand allows you to either push or sync your repository after a commit. The available values are none (default), push, and sync.


TypeScript 3.2

VS Code now includes TypeScript 3.2.2. This release brings some exciting new language features, including strict typing of bind, call, and apply, and BigInt support. The TypeScript update also fixes some important bugs and includes new tooling features and improvements

Improved display of JavaScript and TypeScript callbacks

JavaScript and TypeScript anonymous callbacks were all previously labeled as <function> in the Outline view, breadcrumbs view, and document symbol list. This made it impossible to tell which function you were really after:

VS Code 1.29 with  entries in the Outline view

With TypeScript 3.2+, VS Code now displays more context for callback functions so that you can tell them apart:

VS Code 1.30 with much more helpful labels

Renames handle JS/TS destructuring properly

Renames now handle JavaScript and TypeScript destructuring and will introduce an alias if needed:

Rename with destructuring

Adding missing new JS/TS Quick Fix

Forget a new when instantiating a class? TypeScript 3.2 brings a new Quick Fix to help out:

The add missing 'new' quick fix

This Quick Fix works in TypeScript and in type checked JavaScript.

File icons for JS/TS path suggestions

Building on work in VS Code 1.29, the IntelliSense widget now shows file icons for JavaScript and TypeScript path suggestions:

Icons in path IntelliSense

Highlighting of Markdown elements in JSDoc comments

Fenced code blocks and other Markdown elements inside of JSDoc blocks are now syntax highlighted:

JSDoc Syntax highlighting

This inline highlighting better matches VS Code's Markdown rendering of JSDoc for hovers and IntelliSense documentation.


Simplified initial debug configuration

This milestone we looked into simplifying the generated launch.json file for our most popular debug extensions. Our goal was to make it easier for users to start and configure debugging. This meant hiding unnecessary launch configuration attributes and using the Quick Pick UI for better user interaction while generating the initial launch.json. More details about this effort can be found in issue #62851.

Debug consoles can be deleted

As of last milestone when debugging multiple debug sessions, we show multiple debug consoles, one for each session. Now it is possible to delete these consoles when the corresponding session is no longer active by clearing the content of that debug console. We did not add explicit commands for managing the lifecycle of a debug console, because we believe the current approach will be more intuitive and easier to use.

Improved user input variables for debug configurations

We have improved and generalized the concept of launch.json variables that prompt for user input. You can find the details in the Tasks section.

Debugging from the Process Explorer

It's now possible to start debugging Node.js processes from the VS Code Process Explorer (Developer: Open Process Explorer) using the Debug context menu action.

Below you can see attaching to a Node.js process started from the Integrated Terminal.

debugging a Node.js process started from the terminal

Node/Chrome debugging

smartStep now enabled by default

A few releases ago, we changed the behavior of smartStep to make it more useful. Using smartStep results in a much better debugging experience, especially for TypeScript, so we have changed the behavior to be always on.

Automatic default for localRoot

In Node.js remote debugging scenarios, the debug configuration attribute localRoot now automatically defaults to ${workspaceFolder} and only remoteRoot needs to be specified.


Run on folder open

If you have a task that you always run when you open a folder, you can configure it to run automatically when that folder is opened by configuring its "runOn" property. We found this useful for making sure no one breaks our new strict null checks in the VS Code repository. By adding "runOn": "folderOpen", everyone who allows tasks to be run automatically will get markers when they violate the strict null check:

  "type": "npm",
  "script": "strict-null-check-watch",
  "label": "TS - Strict Null Checks",
  "isBackground": true,
  "problemMatcher": {
    "base": "$tsc-watch",
    "owner": "typescript-strict-null",
    "applyTo": "allDocuments"
  "runOptions": {
    "runOn": "folderOpen"

Clear task terminal

To clear the terminal before executing a task, you can configure the task’s presentation options with "clear": true.

  "type": "gulp",
  "task": "tslint",
  "label": "Run tslint",
  "presentation": {
    "clear": true

Rerun tasks

Tasks can now be rerun using the Tasks: Rerun Last Task command (workbench.action.tasks.reRunTask). By default, a rerun task will re-evaluate its run variables, including its inputs. To use the variables that have already been evaluated in the previous run, configure the "reevaluateOnRerun" option:

  "type": "gulp",
  "task": "tslint",
  "label": "Run tslint",
  "runOptions": {
    "reevaluateOnRerun": false

Improved user input variables for task and debug configurations

For a long time VS Code has supported variable substitution in tasks.json and launch.json via the ${variableName} syntax.

For launch.json, it was even possible to use variables that prompt for user input (for example ${command:pickNodeProcess} which opens a Quick Pick based process picker). This feature was not available for tasks.json and the command based variables had other limitations too (see issues #9297, #9544, and #30588).

In this milestone, user input variables have been generalized and improved and they are now available for launch.json and tasks.json. This work has also brought the command syntax to tasks.json.

For user input variables, we introduced a new variable category input, which results in this syntax: ${input:variableName}. This simple syntax is not sufficient to present meaningful UI to the user, so we've introduced a new inputs section in launch.json and tasks.json, where additional configuration attributes are specified.

Example using Angular CLI:

Tasks input

Here is the list of supported attributes:

  • id - The corresponding variable name for which these attributes are used.
  • type - The type of user input widget. In this release, promptString (for a string InputBox) and pickString (for a string Quick Pick) are supported.
  • description - Descriptive text shown to the user.
  • default - The default value to use if the user just presses Enter.

A first example shows how to use a user input variable in a task configuration (tasks.json):

  "tasks": [
      "label": "Echo input",
      "type": "shell",
      "command": "echo ${input:echoPrompt}"
  "inputs": [
      "id": "echoPrompt",
      "description": "Please enter a value",
      "default": "default echo text",
      "type": "promptString"

Another example shows a user input variable for selecting between two options in a debug configuration (launch.json):

  "configurations": [
      "type": "node",
      "request": "launch",
      "name": "Launch Program",
      "program": "${workspaceFolder}/${input:pickProgram}"
  "inputs": [
      "id": "pickProgram",
      "description": "Select client or server",
      "type": "pickString",
      "options": ["client.js", "server.js"],
      "default": "client.js"

We plan to combine user input variables with the existing command-based variables so that user input variables can be contributed by extensions.


Install previous versions

You can now go back to a previous version of an extension if there are issues with the current version. VS Code provides an Install Another Version action on an installed extension which shows a dropdown of available versions.

Downgrade Extension

Unresponsive extension host

VS Code runs extensions in a separate Node.js process – the extension host. This isolates extension code from VS Code itself, but it doesn’t isolate different extensions from each other. Due to the single threaded nature of JavaScript, an extension can, willingly or not, monopolize the extension host thread, block all other extensions, and make operations appear unresponsive.

VS Code now monitors the extension host and when it becomes unresponsive, VS Code starts profiling the extension host. When an extension is identified as being the cause of the unresponsiveness, a minimized notification is shown that encourages the user to file an issue:

Slow Extension Identified

As a user, keep an eye on the bell icon in the Status Bar as the notification is small. As an extension author, if you receive an unresponsive issue, please review this guide which explains what has happened and how to open the CPU-profile attached to the issue.

Preview Features

Preview features are not ready for release but are functional enough to use. We welcome your early feedback while they are under development.

HTML custom tags / attributes support

The new html.experimental.custom.tags and html.experimental.custom.attributes settings allows you to specify a list of tags and attributes that VS Code loads during startup. When you are editing HTML files, VS Code will offer auto-completion and hover for those tags and attributes. This works great with Web Components, for example:

HTML custom tags and attributes

You can open octref/web-components-examples repository to test this feature. This feature is in preview and both the setting names and JSON format are subject to change.

If you have feedback or feature requests, please follow up in issue #62976.

Network proxy support for extensions

There is an experimental setting Http: Proxy Support for enabling network proxy support for all extensions. While we are still working on some of the details, we invite you to give it a try and let us know if it works for you. (Note that enabling the network proxy support currently breaks the GitHub Pull-Request extension's sign-in.)

HTTP Proxy Support

Setting it to override should work best for most setups, try on for comparison when that doesn't work well.

Extension Authoring

Go To Declaration

We have added a DeclarationProvider interface which extensions can implement to support the Go to Declaration feature. Declaration providers should return locations that are the declaration of a symbol. When multiple providers are registered for the same file, then their results are merged.

Signature Help Context

SignatureHelpProviders now take a context parameter that provides information about how signature help was triggered. The context includes:

  • How signature help was triggered (trigger character, a command, or a document context change).
  • The character that caused signature help to be triggered.
  • Was signature help previously showing when it was triggered?
import * as vscode from 'vscode';

export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
    new (class implements vscode.SignatureHelpProvider {
        document: vscode.TextDocument,
        position: vscode.Position,
        token: vscode.CancellationToken,
        context: vscode.SignatureHelpContext
      ): vscode.ProviderResult<vscode.SignatureHelp> {
        // Return fake signature help result
        const sigHelp = new vscode.SignatureHelp();
        sigHelp.activeParameter = 0;
        sigHelp.activeSignature = 0;
        sigHelp.signatures = [new vscode.SignatureInformation(getLabel(context))];
        return sigHelp;
      triggerCharacters: ['('],
      retriggerCharacters: [',']

function getLabel(context: vscode.SignatureHelpContext): string {
  const parts = [];
  // How was signature help triggered
  switch (context.triggerKind) {
    case vscode.SignatureHelpTriggerKind.Invoke:
    case vscode.SignatureHelpTriggerKind.ContentChange:
    case vscode.SignatureHelpTriggerKind.TriggerCharacter:

  // The character (if any) that caused signature help to be triggered
  if (context.triggerCharacter) {

  // Was signature help already showing when it was triggered again?
  if (context.isRetrigger) {

  return parts.join(' ');

Additionally, SignatureHelpProviders can now be registered with a distinct set of trigger characters and re-trigger characters. Re-trigger characters only trigger signature help if is already showing.

Here's the above SignatureHelpProvider in action:

The above signature help provider in action

Configuring contributed TypeScript server plugins

Extensions can now send configuration data to contributed typescript server plugins through an API provided by VS Code's built-in TypeScript extension:

// In your VS Code extension

export async function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
  // Get the TS extension
  const tsExtension = vscode.extensions.gettsExtension(
  if (!tsExtension) {

  await tsExtension.activate();

  // Get the API from the TS extension
  if (!tsExtension.exports || !tsExtension.exports.getAPI) {

  const api = tsExtension.exports.getAPI(0);
  if (!api) {

  // Configure the 'my-typescript-plugin-id' plugin
  api.configurePlugin('my-typescript-plugin-id', {
    someValue: process.env['SOME_VALUE']

The TypeScript server plugin receives the configuration data through an onConfigurationChanged method:

// In your TypeScript plugin

import * as ts_module from 'typescript/lib/tsserverlibrary';

export = function init({ typescript }: { typescript: typeof ts_module }) {
  return {
    create(info: ts.server.PluginCreateInfo) {
      // Create new language service
    onConfigurationChanged(config: any) {
      // Receive configuration changes sent from VS Code

This API allows VS Code extensions to synchronize VS Code settings with a TypeScript server plugin, or dynamically change the behavior of a plugin. Take a look at the TypeScript TSLint plugin and lit-html extensions to see how this API is used in practice.

Custom views

The proposed API for adding a Collapse All action to your view is now stable.

Tree Item Description

You can now add a description to your tree item using the description property in TreeItem. If the tree item is backed by a resource, you can also let VS Code derive the description from the resource by setting description to true.

 * A human readable string which is rendered less prominently.
 * When `true`, it is derived from [resourceUri](#_TreeItem.resourceUri), and when `falsy`, it is not shown.
description?: string | boolean;

Tree Item Description

Debugging API

Richer DebugSession

The DebugSession API now surfaces the workspace folder and the resolved debug configuration. Resolved means that all variables have been substituted and platform specific attribute sections have been "flattened" for the matching platform and removed for non-matching platforms.

Unique ID for breakpoints

The Breakpoint class now surfaces a unique ID (id) that doesn't change over its entire lifetime.

Finalized API for controlling debug adapter creation

In this milestone, we have finalized the extension API for controlling the creation of debug adapters. The API uses a new DebugAdapterDescriptorFactory which must be registered for a specific debug type with vscode.debug.registerDebugAdapterDescriptorFactory. The factory has a single method createDebugAdapterDescriptor which is called by VS Code whenever a debug adapter is needed. Since the debug session is passed as an argument (and the session now surfaces both the workspace folder and the resolved configuration), the implementation has access to the full context when being asked to create the debug adapter. createDebugAdapterDescriptor must return an object that describes to VS Code how to create and/or connect to the debug adapter:

  • A DebugAdapterExecutable descriptor makes VS Code launch the debug adapter as an external process per session and communicate with it through stdin/stdout. An options property bag can specify the working directory and environment variables.
  • A DebugAdapterServer makes VS Code connect to a server process that handles multiple sessions and communicates via a socket.

Please note: With the finalization of this API, we are deprecating the old (proposed) API DebugConfigurationProvider.debugAdapterExecutable and the very old command-based approach (contribution point Debuggers, attribute: adapterExecutableCommand). Please move off those APIs as we plan to remove support for them in the next release.

This snippet shows how this API can be used to run a debug adapter embedded in its containing extension:

let server: Net.Server;
vscode.debug.registerDebugAdapterDescriptorFactory('mock', {
  createDebugAdapterDescriptor(session: DebugSession, executable: DebugAdapterExecutable) {
    // start server on launch of first debug session
    if (!server) {
      // start listening on a random port
      server = Net.createServer(socket => {
        const s = new MockDebugSession();
        s.start(<NodeJS.ReadableStream>socket, socket);
    // make VS Code connect to debug server instead of launching debug adapter
    return new DebugAdapterServer(server.address().port);

Finalized Debug Adapter Tracker API

In this milestone, we have finalized the extension API for tracking the Debug Adapter Protocol used between VS Code and debugger extensions. The API uses a new DebugAdapterTrackerFactory which must be registered for a debug type with vscode.debug.registerDebugAdapterTrackerFactory. The factory has a single method createDebugAdapterTracker which is called by VS Code before it starts to communicate with the debug adapter. createDebugAdapterDescriptor must return an implementation of an DebugAdapterTracker (or undefined to prevent tracking).

This snippet shows how this API can be used to log the Debug Adapter Protocol for the Node.js debugger:

vscode.debug.registerDebugAdapterTrackerFactory('node', {
  createDebugAdapterTracker(session: DebugSession) {
    return {
      onWillReceiveMessage: m => console.log(`> ${JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2)}`),
      onDidSendMessage: m => console.log(`< ${JSON.stringify(m, undefined, 2)}`)

To ensure that the extension is activated when needed, an activation event onDebugAdapterProtocolTracker:<debug type> can be used in the package.json. If the debug type is omitted the extension is activated for all debug types.

  "activationEvents": ["onDebugAdapterProtocolTracker:node"]

Debug Adapter Protocol

New shellProcessId attribute for runInTerminal response

If a debug adapter needs to run a target in a terminal, it can use the DAP runInTerminal request. This request can optionally return the processId of the target process but in practice no frontend implementation has been able to supply this information. For this reason, we have introduced a new attribute shellProcessId for returning the process ID of the terminal shell (which is much simpler to determine).


The clipboard API has been finalized and can now be used by all extensions. It allows extensions to copy and paste strings to the OS clipboard.

Completion items

When inserting a completion item that spans multiple lines, VS Code adjusts the indentation. This is not always wanted and therefore we added vscode.CompletionItem.keepWhitespace to control this behavior.

Labels for symbol providers

When registering a document symbol provider, a label (DocumentSymbolProviderMetadata) can now be provided. This label will be shown in breadcrumbs and the Outline view when a document has multiple symbol providers.

Proposed Extension APIs

Every milestone comes with new proposed APIs and extension authors can try them out. As always we are keen on your feedback. This is what you have to do to try out a proposed API:

  • You must use Insiders because proposed APIs change frequently.
  • You must have this line in the package.json file of your extension: "enableProposedApi": true.
  • Copy the latest version of the vscode.proposed.d.ts file into your project.

Note that you cannot publish an extension that uses a proposed API. We may likely make breaking changes in the next release and we never want to break existing extensions.

Custom views support message text

Tree view message

You can now set a message in your tree view using the message property in TreeView.

 * An optional human-readable message that will be rendered in the view.
message?: string | MarkdownString;

Tree View Message

Smart select and extensions

We have added a proposed API to support the smart select feature. Today, when you run the Expand Select or Shrink Select command, selections ranges are computed based on a weak heuristic. While we are working to improve that heuristic, we also want to get extension authors involved. Therefore, we have added a proposed API for a SelectionRangeProvider.


WinJS-Promise removal

When VS Code started, JavaScript wasn't what it is today. For instance, there was no native promise and back then the team decided to use WinJS.Promise. Fast forwarding to today, the situation is different: native promises are real and WinJS.Promise is obsolete.

Because of that, we are in the progress of migrating away from WinJS.Promise. This is no easy undertaking because of differences in the API and the runtime behavior. We have started at around 10000 references to WinJS.Promise and are down to 1471, of which ~500 are instantiations and not plain type annotation. We are confident we will finish this epic journey soon!

Continued Electron 3.0 exploration

During this milestone, we continued to explore bundling Electron 3.0.0 into VS Code. This is a major Electron release and comes with Chrome 66 and Node.js 10.x (a major leap forward compared to our current version that has Chrome 61 and Node.js 8.x). We plan to push out the update to our Insiders users in December to gather additional feedback. If you are interested in helping out, make sure to install VS Code Insiders.

Community issue tracking

The community has helped us out periodically with issue tracking for a very long time. As we see more and more issues being filed (currently at an average of 70 per day), we have started to invite the community members that are most active to add specific labels to the issues they are working on. Since GitHub doesn't have fine-grained permissions, we are using our issue bot to pick up on certain comments and add the labels for them. See the Thank you section below for acknowledgments.

Strict Null Checking

Our work to strict null check the main VS Code codebase has continued. We are now strict null checking around 800 files, and will continuing with this work until the entire codebase is covered.

You can track this engineering effort and learn more about the process issue #60565.

Contributions to Extensions

Our team maintains or contributes to a number of VS Code extensions. Most notably this month:

GitHub Pull Requests

This milestone we worked on improvements to the GitHub Pull Requests extension.

Below are some of the new features:

  • Create pull requests directly from your local branch.
  • Suggest a series of source code changes on a checked out pull request.
  • View status check information on the pull request description page.

You can read the full release notes for the extension at vscode-pull-request-github releases.

Notable fixes

  • 37929: do not active debuggers when creating debug env dropdown menu
  • 60187: Debugger Won't hit breakpoints in jest test
  • 61590: Make Settings and Keybindings editor consistent in showing editor actions
  • 62370: Improve diagnostics hovers in editor
  • 62500: Add "Run to Cursor" to the command palette
  • 62778: Centered layout does not restore size
  • 63618: Debug Electron 2.0.13 64bit failed with error "Cannot connect to runtime process, timeout after 10000ms". But succeed on Electron 32bit

Thank you

Last but certainly not least, a big Thank You! to the following folks that helped to make VS Code even better:

Contributions to our issue tracking:

Contributions to vscode:

Contributions to vscode-vsce:

Contributions to vscode-eslint:

Contributions to language-server-protocol:

Contributions to vscode-languageserver-node:

Contributions to vscode-html-languageservice:

Contributions to vscode-generator-code:

Contributions to debug-adapter-protocol:

Contributions to vscode-chrome-debug-core:

  • @digeff: Don't send src changed events for storage sources PR #378
  • Shennie Yao (@Shenniey)
    • making sure bp.actual location is not null/undefined before trying to access its line number PR #381
    • cannonicalizing url so that it can find the matching script when resolving breakpoint PR #379

Contributions to vscode-chrome-debug:

Contributions to vscode-azure-account:

Contributions to vscode-recipes:

Contributions to localization:

There are almost 1400 members in the Transifex VS Code project team with about 100 active contributors every month. We appreciate your contributions, either by providing new translations, voting on translations, or suggesting process improvements.

Here is a snapshot of contributors for this release. For details about the project including the contributor name list, visit the project site at

  • Bulgarian: Любомир Василев.
  • Catalan: Adolfo Jayme-Barrientos, Enric Soler Rastrollo (MaDDoGo), Oriol Torrillas.
  • Czech: Vít Staniček, Ondra Kalousek, Kryštof Černý.
  • Danish: Johan Fagerberg.
  • Finnish: Feetu Nyrhinen, Jussi Palo, Ahto Simakuutio.
  • French: Antoine Griffard, Thierry DEMAN-BARCELO, Adrien Clerbois.
  • German: Carsten Kneip.
  • Greek: George Xenakis, Christos Koutsiaris, dimipapaioan.
  • Hindi: Anand Chalakkal Jose Mohan, Kiren Paul, Ashwini Gupta, amgusain, Pointless Banter, Shaswat Rungta, Adnan Shaikh, Shashida Nand Jha.
  • Hungarian: Tar Dániel.
  • Chinese Simplified: feiyun0112 feiyun0112, Tingting Yi, XIANG ZUO, Tony Xia, G.Y. Z, Dave Young, Jessica Zhang, 驰 雷, Liam Kennedy, bh wu, WangCG duoduobear, ziqiang sun, 正元 刘, 越 郑, peng wei, xiong Fu, 吉姆 舒, 瑜 周, 仁松 陈, Jiang LI.
  • Chinese Traditional: Winnie Lin , Duran Hsieh, Hans Chiu, Alan Liu.
  • Indonesian: Laurensius Dede Suhardiman, Wildan Mubarok, Joshua Siagian, Rizki A. Wibowo.
  • Japanese: Satoshi Kajiura, Shunya Tajima, Yuichi Nukiyama, Yoshihisa Ozaki, dkp sk, Hiroyuki Mori.
  • Kannada: Sanjay !, Sushmit Patil.
  • Malayalam: Kiren Paul, Anand Chalakkal Jose Mohan.
  • Norwegian: Espen Klein Nilsen, Ivar L, Simen Dæhlin, Daniel Bjørnbakk.
  • Polish: Artur.
  • Portuguese (Brazil): Danilo Dantas, Thiago Custodio, Vinicius Ribeiro, Lucas Santos, Gabriel Henrique Oliveira de Mello.
  • Romanian: Szauka.
  • Russian: Mikhail Zabaluev, Acupofspirt, Ilya Umnov.
  • Sinhala: Anand Chalakkal Jose Mohan.
  • Spanish: Jorge Serrano Pérez, Alejandro Medina, Alberto Poblacion, Carlos Longarela, Carlos Mendible, Guillermo Callaghan, Alfonso Jesus Flores Alvarado, Andy Gonzalez.
  • Tamil: Vijay Nirmal, Avinash, Jeyanthinath Muthuram, Narayanan Singaram.
  • Telugu: Raja Tirumala Rao Guna.
  • Turkish: Eyüp DALAN, Mustafa Turhan, Türker YILDIRIM.
  • Vietnamese: Nguyễn Nhật Tân.